Best of Madison 2018!

It’s that time of year again to vote for Best of Madison! Madison Magazine/Channel 3000 has made it even more challenging to win! Years past you could vote for any business in town and this year they held a voting prior to this and Kula was selected to be on the ballot which is very exciting!
We would be so grateful and appreciative if you could please take 2 minutes of your time and vote for Kula Yoga & Wellness!
It’s super easy, all you have to do is click on this link:
  1. Click Recreation & Fitness
  2. Select Kula Yoga & Wellness for best YOGA studio.
  3. Enter your email and follow the prompts after that.

The Dog Days Of Summer

Happy August Yogis!
The Dog Days of summer have arrived and summer is quickly zooming into Fall.  I hope that you are enjoying the sun (when we see it!) and avoiding the mosquitoes.  Don’t forget, Kula is temperature-controlled and mosquito-free, so come in and take some time to slow down and breathe in deep!  Our most current schedule is always online, so come to your favorite go-to class, or try something new, but whatever you choose, come and yoga with us.
One of my favorite quotes of all time (paraphrased from the great fashion designer Channel as well as the wildly talented musician Branford Marsalis) is:
” There’s no freedom in freedom.  There’s freedom in structure.”
We need our routines, the parameters, the knowns in our lives in order to be safe to experience and explore the world around us.  If you were craving the open days of summer vacation with your kids and family, and now are counting the moments until the “routine” of school returns, then you know exactly how I feel!
See you on the mat soon yogis, and let’s find the freedom in our flow.
Big Love –

Kula July News

Happy July Yogis!
Summer is in full swing and I hope you are soaking up the sun when it makes an appearance!  We are busy at Kula teaching classes, developing plans for upcoming workshops, finalizing dates for the  next 200-hr Teacher Training (mark your calendars for January 2018!) and a few more special events.  I am continuing to look for a new location for the Monroe Street Kula Yogis – no new news yet, but I’ll keep you posted.
Schedule updates for July:  TGI Yoga on Fridays at 5:30pm and Chill Out, Recharge on Sundays at 7pm are both taking a summer vacation for July and August.  They will return to the schedule with Fall along with some other great new class options.
And just a little reminder we all need to hear:
“You can’t pour from an empty cup — take care of yourselves first.”  So come to class, start or keep a self-care routine that nourishes you, feed yourself with the abundance of fresh produce in season, so that you can be present for those who need you!
Big Love –

Nadiya Nottingham in Madison, WI June 11th!


Solstice Power~ Agni~Inner Fire~ Shamanic Teachings From Celtic Elements

Summer Solstice is traditionally acknowledged by lighting fires to “strengthen the Sun,” in other words we connect to the Sun’s magnanimous gifts of growth, passion, strength, determination and love.  The Sun is Heart Chakra, lighting our heart fire, setting intention for bold life steps.

In this workshop we will:

  • Begin with setting an intention for what each participant would like to alight or re-kindle at this potent time of the year.
  • Write it Down.  Writing puts our prayers into the form of matter, the paper transforms the words from Air to Earth.
  • Placing the prayer on the altar puts our intentions into the community.
  • Journeying together.  Guided by Nadiya with drumming and the Celtic art of storytelling you will be taken through a landscape of re-newing your story.  Animating what lies dormant for maximum creativity and healing the past and present.  Connecting with Ancestor teachers, Animal Guides and Nature Elements.
  • Following the Journey we journal and take time to sit and meditate on what your visions have brought.
  • Nadiya will help each participant to find deeper meaning from the visions and inspirations which come through the work.

Breaks in class will be enhanced with Qigong and moving meditation mudras for ultimate integration.


Bring a journal, pen and be ready to compost the old and plant new seeds!

Creating An Altar For Abundance~Manifesting In All Seasons

Each season of the year corresponds to a direction on the compass, a Direction on the Sacred Wheel of Life and their associated elements and energies: summer is in south with fire and love, autumn is in west with water and healing, winter is in north with rock/mountain and ancestors, spring is in east with air and new beginnings. Sky is the Great Mystery, Grandmother Earth is abundance and manifesting, and the True Self/Heart is realization and acknowledgement.


An altar reflects either the outer elements or what one is presented with on any given day or time of year. It can be a powerful ally which over time becomes like a trusted friend.  Making your own altar will enhance your life on many levels seen and unseen.


We will also discuss how to make an Ancestor altar for loved ones who’ve passed or teachers, saints and sinners whose path in life and beyond is now potentially transmitted to us through the ether and stars.

Breaks in class will be enhanced with Qigong and moving meditation mudras for ultimate integration.


Bring a couple of sacred objects to put on the altar.  Water in a non-plastic container and a small stone.   People of all faiths and walks of life and gender welcome!


Simplify & Grow

“When one door closes….”
I have spent the last several months with this saying popping into my mind, and it’s now time to share some news about Kula on Monroe Street.  Due to the continuing deterioration of the 1809 Monroe Street location, and with no success in negotiating for the next lease term, I have made the difficult decision to relocate Kula – Monroe Street.  No doubt, if you practice at Monroe, you have encountered some of the MANY issues we have endured over the course of the last almost three years.  Whether it was studio temps too frigid to hold classes, frozen pipes, constant leaks in the ceiling, flooding in the lobby and back room…. the list goes on and on.  The constant repairs have taken their toll on me and any success of continued growth on Monroe Street.
The community that has been building at Kula – Monroe is inspiring, which makes this decision even harder.  I don’t want to leave you without a Kula home, but the building is failing to accommodate the needs of Kula.  I want a space that is safe and strong, just like the atmosphere we strive to provide you when you walk through our doors.
“….another one opens….”
I am actively pursuing every lead and option I can to find a new home for Kula near the current Monroe Street location.  With the upcoming total Monroe Street Reconstruction slated to begin within the year, the infrastructure of Monroe Street is facing some big changes, as well as new additions.  (Savasana with the sounds of jack hammers and last-minute class cancellations due to water-main shut offs was not sounding like too much fun, but if a yoga studio can’t be flexible, who can!)  That being said, if anyone has any ideas of possible locations, shoot me an e-mail.  If I haven’t already researched it, I’ll jump on any leads and info!
At this time, it is unlikely that there will be a seamless and uninterrupted transition from our current location to a new one. But, I’m not giving up!  Our fantastic teaching crew will be adding to the Cottage Grove schedule starting in May.  The Kula teachers are available to help with events and on-going, off-site Kula-sponsored classes, workshops and parties.  We will be Kula “mobile Yogis” here to serve you while we work to find a new studio location.
Several proposals have come to my table in the recent months from other neighboring areas interested in Kula coming to their communities.  I’m listening, Universe, and will keep my mind open to what may be behind several future opening doors.
Our last day of classes will be Friday, June 30th, 2017.  Remember that all class passes and memberships are valid at the Cottage Grove Studio.  If you have questions, please email us at  We have celebrations for our Monroe Kula Community in the works, so stay tuned for more info, and please consider joining us to celebrate what we have created together and the possibilities that lie ahead.
“….but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us.”
-Alexander Graham Bell
The final portion of this quote is often left off, but I find it to be the real lesson in these wise words.  No regrets, Monroe Street Yogis, only love and gratitude for you all finding your home within the (crumbling) walls of our Kula – Monroe.  I will be smiling in the open doors at Kula – Cottage Grove and wherever the universe leads us to next.
Big Love –

Practical Pranayama-4 Breathing Techniques To Enhance Your Yoga Practice & Emotional Wellbeing with Zach

Pranayama: Prana means life force or energy that sustains the body and senses; Ayama translates as “expansion.” Together pranayama means “expansion or control of energy”, often done through practical breathing exercises.
Whether you’re an intermediate yoga practitioner or a beginner, having a better understanding of your breath will take your yoga practice–and mental and emotional wellbeing–to new heights. You will learn pranayama techniques that relieve stress and anxiety, calm your nerves, focus your attention and strengthen your resolve. In this workshop you will learn how to breath with ease and how to use the breath to live a healthy, happy life. Specifically, the workshop will include:*  An invigorating yoga practice that blends breath, movement and pranayama techniques
*  Relaxed diaphragmatic breath training to help relieve stress, deepen the breath and relax your body and mind
*  2 to 1 breathing exercise to help relieve anxiety
*  Ujjayi pranayama builds energy and focuses the mind during yoga practice
*  Alternate nostril breathing is a key practice that calms anxiety, relaxes the mind and prepares for meditation
*  A practical plan to utilize these techniques at home

Sunday March 5th 1-3pm @ Kula Cottage Grove!! Sign up here:

Happy New Year!

As 2017 approaches we tend to think about things that we can improve in our lives. Everyday at Kula we meet new people who want to make a change in their life for many different reasons. They were told “yoga” try yoga. It’s hard to make that step into a “new” thing though, right? We want to help. Kula will be offering a 2 part workshop for beginners! The 1st session begins in January and the 2nd in February. Come join us if you are ready to take that leap, tell your friends, family, co-workers and neighbors. Yoga has so many benefits including:
Increased flexibility.
Increased muscle strength and tone.
Improved respiration, energy and vitality.
Maintaining a balanced metabolism.
Weight reduction.
Cardio and circulatory health.
Improved athletic performance.
And our personal favorite, reduced stress and anxiety.
Kula welcomes everyone, all genders, sizes, shapes and ages.
Happy New Year! Namaste.



Yoga For Beginners.

Join Kaila for a two-part workshop series designed just for beginners! The practice of yoga can be complex, so let’s break it down from the start. Over our two sessions together we’ll begin building the foundation of a strong asana (posture/pose) practice as well as other important facets of yoga like pranayama (breathwork) and use of props in practice. We’ll also explore the meditative aspects of yoga!

Session One: Sun Salutes & Warriors
We’ll move through a beginner version of Surya Namaskar A – the foundational sequence of many yoga practices. We’ll also begin breathing deeply and take a look at Warrior Poses (that will eventually be paired with Sun Salutes) to get your standing posture practice started. All levels welcome!

Session 2 is scheduled for Sunday, February 5th 1-3pm in Cottage Grove. Sign-Up for both to get the best beginner’s experience! Both at our Cottage Grove studio.


The Mirror and its Reflection with Amy Pearce-Hayden

Yoga teaches that the goal to success in any endeavor is to “Know Thy Self.” In this unique workshop we will explore how partner work supports how one can “Heal Thy Self”. Self-healing is a component of yoga which often needs reinforcement from the outside. Be it a mentor, a guide, or written word, sometimes the availability and presence of another human being can allow for deeper understanding and self-realization—the key to healing. Techniques include: journaling, shared/spoken Word, storytelling, The Art of Listening, partner asana.
**Please bring a favorite or recent book with one of your favorite poems, a short story, or passage that is meaningful to you.**
 *Please bring a favorite or recent book with one of your favorite poems, a short story, or passage that is meaningful to you.*
SUNDAY December 11th 1pm-3:30 pm in Cottage Grove

Kula Cottage Grove Celebrates 4 Years!!

Happy 4th Birthday to 
Kula Cottage Grove!
Celebrate with Us on November 12!
To honor our 4th Birthday, honor our beloved clients and community, and welcome new students, all the classes on the Saturday, November 12th will be free at Kula Cottage Grove!  There will also be treats and presents for all in attendance.
8:30 – 10 am – EMPowered Flow w Becky (high intensity)
10:30 – 11:30 – Aerial Basics w Jenn and Rainbow (our prerequisite aerial class; advanced sign-up required)
12 – 1 pm – Anniversary Flow w Becky (low intensity)
Advanced sign-up REQUIRED for aerial basics & recommended for others